Inclement Weather Arrangement | Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited

Inclement Weather Arrangement

Arrangement for HKIRC office under inclement weather conditions


Tropical Cyclone (No. 8 or above) , Black Rainstorm Warning or under “extreme conditions” * Office Arrangement
In force during office hours (09:00-18:00hrs) Our office will be temporarily closed while the warning is in force.
Remaining in force after 12:00 noon Our office will be closed all day.
Lowered or cancelled at or before 12:00 noon Our office will reopen within two hours of the warning being lowered or canceled.
For any inquiries, please contact our 24-hours hotline at (852) 2319 2303, available from Monday to Sunday. We are here to assist you as quickly as possible.

*In the event of “extreme conditions” resulting from super typhoons—such as significant disruptions to public transport services, widespread flooding, major landslides, or large-scale power outages—the Government will assess the situation, including public transportation and other critical aspects, and will make a public announcement accordingly.