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Press Release
「共建員工防火牆」嘉許計劃頒獎典禮圓滿舉行 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司熱烈響應 《河套深港科技創新合作區香港園區發展綱要》(Chinese Only)
全港首個實境網絡安全攻防演練 「以攻築防 2024」今正式展開 (Chinese Only)
全港首屆 網絡攻防精英培訓暨攻防大賽 中五生組隊與業界人士同場比賽 勇奪第三名 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司歡迎2024年《施政報告》 (Chinese Only)
城巴推簡易版手機程式助無障礙出行 實現社會共融 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC夥私隱專員公署籲員工進行網絡安全培訓 提高防範意識 減人為錯誤致資料外洩風險 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司熱烈慶祝祖國成立75周年 (Chinese Only)
「2024國家網絡安全宣傳周-香港分論壇」圓滿結束 (Chinese Only)
HKIOD與HKIRC攜手 推動無障礙共融為ESG重要元素 (Chinese Only)
全港首屆「網絡攻防精英培訓暨攻防大賽」圓滿結束 逾七百人參與實戰演練 助培育網絡安全新力軍 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC「第二屆香港小學生網絡安全問答比賽」圓滿舉行 寓學習於遊戲激發才能 從小培育網絡安全人才(Chinese Only)
促進數碼無障礙金融服務 銀行業推動新舊科技接軌 (Chinese Only)
「.hk」、「香港」域名彰顯香港品牌策略 助企業拓展灣區市場 (Chinese Only)
無障礙設計共創多贏 節省成本從籌備開始 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司祝賀香港載荷專家候選人獲選為預備航天員 (Chinese Only)
網絡攻防精英培訓暨攻防大賽 (Chinese Only)
2024 Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
網絡安全從基礎做起 HKIRC助互聯網社群提高防禦能力 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC全力推動兩大公眾使命 助力社會不同階層 共建完善網絡生態 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC x ISACA合辦「共建員工防火牆」嘉許計劃 鼓勵機構強化員工培訓 從內部提高應對網絡威脅能力(Chinese Only)
HKIRC participates in the “ZCP Easter STEAM Fiesta” and joins hands with the CIC to promote digital inclusion
HKIRC hosted “Digital Accessibility Experience Booth” to bring about the concept of digital inclusion
HKIRC attended the “Strive and Rise Project ” to encourage young people to realize goals and dreams
HKIRC was invited to be the keynote speaker at a seminar hosted by ISACA
HKIRC Supporting Activity- The 3rd GBA IT Advancement Awards
【HKIRC Awarded “Cyber Security Enterprise Excellence Award”】
HKIRC 回應2024 25年度財政預算案 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司支持《基本法》第二十三條立法 (Chinese Only)
Promoting Cyber Security Awareness: Cybersec Training Hub’s Strategic Ad Campaign on the MTR
HKIRC participating in CyberDefenders’ Carnival 2024
The Digital Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2024-2025 is now open for registration
「網絡安全技術論壇2023」圓滿結束 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC網絡安全青年計劃 培育香港新一代網絡安全專才 (Chinese Only)
長者使用智能手機滲透率高 數碼無障礙助提升銀齡生活質素 (Chinese Only)
數碼無障礙融入智慧城市建設 共建多元共融社會 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司歡迎2023年《施政報告》(Chinese Only)
HKIRC出席數碼公民領袖計劃啟動禮 培養學生網絡安全意識 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC 接受新城電台創智傳城訪問 分享域名服務與網絡安全工作 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC was invited to attend APTLD 84 Conference
香港電商聯會推動安全網購 促業界使用HKIRC網路安全員工培訓平臺加強意識 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC attended the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the “No Fakes Pledge” Scheme cum Long-term Members Commendation Ceremony
HKIRC網絡安全青年計劃2023頒獎典禮圓滿結束 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC與香港警務處攜手合辦《釣魚電郵演習2023》 (Chinese Only)
網絡安全風險防不勝防?網上培訓平台助企業有效應對網絡安全威脅 (Chinese Only)
Asia Pacific Domain Name System Forum 2023 Held in Hong Kong for the First Time
預防網絡風險|免費「網健通」服務 主動助非牟利機構 檢測及解決潛在網絡風險 (Chinese Only)
The Twenty-First Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
2022至2023年度無障礙網頁嘉許計劃圓滿結束 (Chinese Only)
無障礙網頁嘉許計劃再創新紀錄 推動數碼共融 構建智慧城市 (Chinese Only)
網絡安全|HKIRC試行全新網健通服務 率先為學校免費檢視網站安全 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC CEO was invited to attend the “www.freedom Web-Accessibility” event
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司對2023-24年度財政預算案的回應 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC「第一屆香港小學生網絡安全問答比賽」圓滿舉行 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司歡迎《香港創新科技發展藍圖》 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司20周年誌慶紀念晚宴 (Chinese Only)
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司歡迎2022年《施政報告》 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC「對新興網絡風險的安全意識」研究 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC網絡安全青年計劃2022頒獎禮 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC「網絡安全員工培訓平台Cybersec Training Hub」全面啟動 (Chinese Only)
HKIRC Launch Cyber Youth Programme – Coordinate with EdCity, Teaching Cyber Security in Edutainment Way (Chinese Only)
2022 Q3 Cybersecurity Event
The Twentieth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
把握疫轉時機 完善企業形象佔先機
“Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2022 – 2023” Opens for Applications
HKIRC Announces the Results of the “Hong Kong E-Commerce & Security Survey 2021” and Recommends 6 Tips for E-Commerce Strategy
《網絡安全青年計劃 2021》頒獎禮嘉許傑出學生
HKIRC Kick-off 2021 Cyber Youth Programme (Chinese Only)
The Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
Conclusion of the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2020-2021 Awards Presentation Ceremony (Chinese Only)
HKIRC Announces the Results of the “Adoption and Cyber Security on Remote Working in Hong Kong” Survey
Cybersec Infohub Officially Launched to Strengthen Defense Against Cyber Attacks
The Eighteenth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited Unveils New Corporate Identity and Revamped Website
“Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2020-2021” Now Opens for Application Drive Different Sectors to Join Hands and Build Accessible Digital World Together
HKIRC Announces the ”Internet of Things – Users’ Awareness of Security” Survey Results
“Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2018” Opens for Application until 20th April Introducing Brand-New Recognition Logo and Award Category Promoting Digital Inclusiveness for a Caring Society
HKIRC Announces Best .hk Website Awards 2019 Results Recognising the Achievements of Outstanding .hk Websites
The Seventeenth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
HKIRC Appoints Wilson Wong Ka-wai as Chief Executive Officer
Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme Award Ceremony
“Best .hk Website Awards 2019” Call for Entries
HKIRC Announces the Results of the “Mobile Payment: Digital Transformation from Customers to Merchants” Survey
表揚企業持續為數碼共融付出努力 「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」主辦機構頒發三連金獎
HKIRC Kick-Starts DNSSEC As a Standard to Safeguard the International Financial Hub From Cybercrime
The Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
HKIRC Announces .hk DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) Signed
The Fifteenth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
HKIRC Announces Winners of Best .hk Website Awards 2016
HKIRC’s Media Statement on HKIRC Membership and Board Election
Public Voting for “Best .hk Website Awards 2016” is Open Now!
HKIRC Announces ‘Best .hk Website Awards 2016’ is Now Open for Entry
HKIRC Appoints Leo Kwong Shing Lam, as Chief Executive Officer
HKIRC Survey Reveals Hong Kongers’ Views and Expectations on Smart City Development at 2016 Digital Marketplace Seminar
The Fourteenth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
HKIRC Announces Best .hk Website Awards 2015 Results
Public Voting for “Best .hk Website Awards 2015” is Open!
HKIRC Announces the ‘Best .hk Website Awards 2015’
HKDNR’s media statement on .hk and .香港 Price Adjustment
HKIRC Survey Reveals the Current Status of the Sharing Economy in Hong Kong
The Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
HKIRC Announces Best .hk Website Awards 2014 Results
Online Public Voting for “Best .hk Website Awards 2014” Kicks Off Vote for your “Most Liked .hk Website” and win an iPad mini 3
HKIRC Announces Launch of .hk WATCH Service Cost-effective Way To Protect Online Brand
HKIRC rebrands successful award series to ‘Best .hk Website Awards 2014’