.hk Testimonial

Virtual Medical Insurance
Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited

Bowtie, the first being granted a virtual insurance licence in Hong Kong, specializes in medical insurance. “.hk” domain name can highlight its local brand image, which enables Hong Kong people to feel friendly and confident; moreover, when applying for a domain name, a business registration must be filed, which can greatly reduce the chances of companies being passed off and increase willingness for adoption.
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Advancing Technology for Tomorrow
Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited

Cyberport, Hong Kong’s digital technology hub, creates new economic impetus with innovation and technology, and accelerates digital transformation of all sectors. Cyberport adopts “.hk” domain name that enriches its Hong Kong identity and characteristics, and to benefit from the advantages of “.hk” website search in Hong Kong that enhances brand position.
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Art, Culture and Creative Technology
Digital Oasis Limited

Digital Oasis, which specializes in the design and manufacture of innovative electronics, combines art and digital music technology into innovative home electronic audio artworks, with the Hong Kong-owned brand VisualSonic. The online shops are registered with a “.hk” domain name to highlight localisation and enhance the confidence of local consumers.
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Fintech in Banking

Over years of cooperation, HSBC has been committing to helping corporate clients to enhance their competitiveness, and provide customers a comprehensive online digital business package. With the unique online identity provided by ‘.hk’, HSBC witnessed the growth of the merchants during the past two decades.
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Emerging Environmental-friendly Startup
Breer Limited

With an inclusive and sustainable business model that collects surplus bread to brew beer, Breer is a globally trusted “Made in Hong Kong” brand that attracts customers who share the value of sustainable development. Registration of “.hk” domain name can highlight the image and development of local green enterprises rooted in Hong Kong; Breer’s philosophy of giving back is in line with HKIRC’s philosophy that has been strongly promoted.
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Medmind utilizes local Cantonese dialect features and scenes with Hong Kong cultural characteristics to launch the gerontechnology “NeuroGym” platform, which is more likely to resonate with local elderly users. The use of “.hk” domain name can highlight local features and make users’ feel more intimate.
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Electronic Payment Pioneer
Octopus Cards Limited

Octopus, the offerings of which are indispensable in the daily life for Hong Kong residents, had emerged as a worldleading e-payment Hong Kong brand upon its launch. Initially used in payment for public transportation services only, it’s application has now been extended to food, clothing, shelter, travel and lifestyle. Throughout this journey, HKIRC has been giving sustained support with “.hk” domain name.
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Global Smart Commerce Enabler
SHOPLINE (Starling Labs Limited)

SHOPLINE, a global smart commerce enabler, helps Hong Kong merchants who are completely unfamiliar with IT knowledge to easily establish personalized online shops with payment integrations and logistics support. The local company identity highlighted by the “.hk” domain name, coupled with a stable and secure domain name system, has benefited SHOPLINE in growing its customers base in local market.
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Smart Investment Platform
StashAway Hong Kong

Singapore-based StashAway, with its international business, entered the Hong Kong market in 2021, which strives for localisation from recruitment, product promotion to websites, to meet the needs of local consumers and regulators. It carries out local services with “.hk” domain name without other thinking.
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Interactive Platform for Innovative Events
TRAILME (uHey Limited)

TRAILME changed the off-roading running experience and even the way of competition by virtue of digital technology, mobile technology and the Internet of Things, allowing runners and supporters to interact, and created a unique Hong Kong-owned brand in the circle of off-roading runners. The adoption of “.hk” domain names is the best option to unite local athletes and supporters.